We Create a
Better Future.
We make a living by what we get
but we make a life by what we give
Alor Regency, located in the easternmost part of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), is home to a unique and diverse social landscape, with a predominantly indigenous population that maintains strong traditional customs and culture. Despite its rich cultural heritage, Alor faces significant challenges in terms of economic development and social welfare. In 2023, the poverty rate in Alor reached 28.37%, higher than the NTT provincial average of 20.62%, with 62,850 people living in poverty. Additionally, access to education and healthcare is limited, with the Human Development Index (HDI) for Alor being one of the lowest in NTT at 57.21. The coastal communities, in particular, rely heavily on marine resources for their livelihoods, but unsustainable exploitation has led to significant environmental degradation, exacerbated by a lack of access to technology and knowledge to improve fisheries and marine sustainability.
What We Stand For
We have set 3 strategic outcome focuses that are expected to bring significant and sustainable change.

Ocean Revival Initiatives
Our work focuses on marine ecosystem conservation, a key factor in sustaining natural resources and ensuring environmental balance. We aim to protect marine habitats, restore critical ecosystems, and promote responsible practices, which in turn support coastal community livelihoods and the growth of the blue economy.

Inclusive Community Empowerment
The focus to achieve this goal is inclusive economic growth through the development of sustainable tourism, the empowerment of local MSMEs (UMKM), and the improvement of community skills. Promoting local industries such as handicrafts, fisheries, and agriculture supports sustainable regional economic growth, while respecting local wisdom and preserving environmental sustainability.

Elevate Trash Action
The waste management program in Alor Besar aims to improve how waste is handled by reducing, sorting, and recycling it. The plan includes setting up a Waste Bank in the village. By educating the community and providing training, the program hopes to lower waste's impact on the environment, improve living conditions, and create new income sources.